Monday, March 8, 2021

 For all the women who are mothers, motherhood is a very big part of their life. 

Motherhood for many, is a default society requirement. For some, it is a CHOICE they can make and for some, it is just an unfulfilled wish. 

No matter how successful a woman is, how goal/career oriented she is - why does the society dictate that getting married and becoming a mother will make her a complete woman? A woman's worth is her entire life full of accomplishments - big or small. Motherhood does not and should not define a Woman.

Just like how characteristics like Patience, Perseverance, Resilience, Tenderness are usually associated with and EXPECTED from women, let us also normalize associating characteristics like Strength, Determination, Courage, Being Independent, Assertive, Leadership with women. 

Irrespective of who she chooses to be - Traditional or Modern, Conservative or Outgoing, Gentle or Fierce - Let us celebrate each woman's achievements and respect her for who she is.


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